Saturday, August 6, 2011

Daily Dose: New York

Hey folks I know the Daily Dose has been less then daily but there is some stuff going on behind the scenes.  Once we iron out some kinks you can expect a truly daily Daily Dose.

Anyway today in New York:

Robert Mann Gallery- At the water's edge: Group show
July 7 - August 26
A collection of photograph's made near the water from various artists including Julie Blackmon and Jeff Brouws. Be sure to look through the thumb nails.

Whitney Museum of American Art- At the edge of the world: Lyonel Feininger
Through October 16
Museum Literature:
Born and raised in New York, Lyonel Feininger (1871–1956) moved at the age of sixteen to Germany, where he became one of the leading practitioners of German Expressionism and the Bauhaus. In the late 1930s, when the Nazi campaign against modern art forced him to flee back to New York after an absence of fifty years, his marriage of abstraction and recognizable imagery made him a beloved artist in the United States. Long acknowledged as a major figure of the Bauhaus, Feininger is renowned for his romantic, crystalline paintings of architecture and seascapes. Less well known are the whimsical aspects of his work: his pioneering Chicago Sunday Tribunecomic strips; his figurative, Expressionist compositions; his photographs; and his miniature hand-carved wooden figures and buildings, known as City at the Edge of the World. This retrospective is the first in Feininger’s native country in more than forty-five years, and the first ever to include the full breadth of his art.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a richly illustrated monograph with a feature essay that provides a broad overview of Feininger’s career, tracing his relationships with movements and organizations that defined the development of modern art, including Cubism, the Blaue Reiter, the Blue Four, the Bauhaus, and Black Mountain College. Additional essays focus on Feininger’s comics, his photographs, his musical compositions, and his reputation in Germany. 

Images of the show

As always if you have a particular artist or institution you would like us to follow just let us know at

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Double Dose: Pacific North West and Mixed Veggies

Lincoln, Nebraska
LUX Center- Susan Dewsnap
August 5 - September 24, 2011
Susan Dewsnap invites people to pick up her pieces and explore the relationships between interior, exterior, and surface. She is interested in the dynamics of how surface and form can be intimately connected and says that the subtleties of color and line can only be seen when viewed up close.

Tugboat Gallery- Big Ten: Mike Scheef and J. Lynn Batten
August 5 - August 29, 2011

Springfield, Oregon
The reason there was no Daily Dose yesterday is because I was busy arranging a show. Over the next month my photographic series 'Trees' will be shown at Memento Ink in downtown Springfield. The owners of the Tattoo parlor have the mind to help people find art more accessible. We agree with that mindset and hope to perpetrate it.

As always be sure to send us feedback at:
And will some one fill out that survey in the right column... Its getting lonely. I know people are using the page but we would love folks to help us create a better resource for them.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Self Esteem Machine sculptures

I am kicking around the idea to having static sculptures along with the machines in an installation like setup. While the machine prototypes that have been revealed so far are small, the machines on the drawing board are much larger. Anyway here is an image of one idea for a sculpture.

I want to challenge people to comment, either here, on Facebook, on twitter (@PoorLittlePawns) or via email: Also, be sure to fill out the survey on the sidebar. Feedback helps us design a site that helps people re-engage with art.


Daily Dose: International

Today's international Daily Dose we take a trip to Amsterdam.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Contemporary painting from the 60's including Warhol's Bellevue

A four-channel video installation in four parts; Ducks and Woman, Francophile, Lonely Planet and Chain Review. Screened continuously in pairs in two separate gallery spaces, the four chapters of Avalanchefeature scenarios involving a handful of characters, with subtle shifts in style and plot.

Recent Acquisitions: Highlights from the Maurice van Valen gift

The Stedelijk Museum proudly presents selections from the recent gift of 63 artworks from Dutch collector Maurice van Valen, spanning a variety of media, including sculpture, painting, video, photography and works on paper by Dutch and international artists. The exhibition is presented in four galleries as part of the ground floor installation of Temporary Stedelijk 2.

Featuring works by Atelier van Lieshout, Isa Genzken, Joseph Grigely, Rachel Harrison, Arnoud Holleman, Klaas Kloosterboer, Dana Lixenberg, Pieter Laurens Mol, Falke Pisano, Yutaka Sone, JCJ Vanderheyden and Eric Wesley.

Note some text is used from the museums website