Friday, May 13, 2011

Shit Happens… Again

It was a fateful day in May 2010. I had been warned of the dangers of installing art in a public venue. Vandalism, misuse and otherwise disdain for artistic endeavors always threatens the public art piece. I must have been half brain dead at the time because in my infinite wisdom I put money on the piece. Granted it was just pennies but hell this is a recession people! Sure enough two hours after installing someone had beat the crap out of my poor tiny sculptures. I was still an undergrad at the time and my critique was that evening. After fixing the piece (thank god for superglue and rubber cement) I explained to my professor what happened. He basically told me shit happens, perhaps kinder and more eloquent then that. Needless to say I was rather unhappy with having to re-do the whole sculpture. This year, almost exactly a year to the day, I installed another piece, this one much larger and much more expensive. It lasted two whole days. The third day the piece was wrecked. What started as a beautiful Zen garden inspired communion area ended with broken marble tiles, warped boards, and nasty pillows. This time however I was not disappointed but happy that during its short life it could service so many people. Below are some photos. I have not included any morgue photos out of respect for the dead. I commend this work to the grave for now.

P.S. If enough of you buy T-shirts I’ll be able to rebuild it!


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